Thursday, November 10, 2016

"Rise Up and Live in the Light of Oneness"

May your steadfast love endure to those
Who know You
Your saving grace to those
Who love truth and justice!
Protect us from the seeds of arrogance
The weeds of greed drive away

Open the hearts of those who live in
darkness O Beloved
that they might rise up and live
in the Light of Oneness
Psalm 36
Nan Merrill

It has been quite sometime since I found myself in a place where the imperative to write has been this strong.  Life has marched on with its daily challenges to be engaged in and present to the baptismal call to be “a holy nation, a people set apart.”

Today, I am preparing for leading a Morning Prayer service at the national gathering of Call to Action in Albuquerque, NM.  I selected Nan Merrill’s paraphrase of
Psalm 36 as part of the service months ago.  In this time of national transition, these words touch me in a new way. 

I hurt me at a visceral level to see the people I know and cherish turning toward judgmental, shaming words focused on their neighbors and friends.  Many years ago, I lead hundreds of high school students through an exercise that challenged them to pause before having sexual encounters at a party by closing their eyes and seeing my face.  They all shrieked and laughed! (as well they should.) It was a moment that brought front and center the idea of “think before you act.” 

Here we are at the open door of new leadership in the United States of America.  We know a great deal about the groundwork being laid. We know Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Jeff Sessions and Chris Christy.   We may not all agree with them but we know them. To know them gives each of us important information on at least the basic framework that is emerging.  This knowledge must begin to shape how we will each move forward in the dialectic that we cherish in this nation of ours.

The great challenge for the Catholic in the Diaspora as it is for all the baptized is to close our eyes and before we make a statement that demeans or shames, no don’t see my face (although that will make you laugh and break the tension), look into God’s eyes. See the Love that makes this moment possible and respond in charity.

Do not fall prey to
Ignorance lives deep in the hearts
Of those who know not Love;
There is not reverence for Truth
Before their eyes

Public figure, public policy, laws and governments can only modify the structures in which we live.  Fortunately, the rights of assembly and speech continue to be bedrock of the USA.  This freedom is extraordinary.

The change of the heart comes from another place.  It is changed hearts that bring respect and grace to any social framework.

Being agents of the heart in the framework of our political process is the call of the baptized.  Keep looking into the eyes of the Loving One and believe those who have been called, whether they are Jews or Greeks, slave or free we believe in a Christ who is both the power of God and the wisdom of God.”   Be the living expression of the freedom that is ours in baptism.  It is the freedom of those who
Rise up and live
in the Light of Oneness.
